Cruising Tips

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Titusville - Our weekly Black Point Drive - we see an eagle!


He's there in the middle - just looking out

We like to go during the week to the Merritt Wildlife Refuge since there are less crowds then. However, it's been very dry and all the ponds on the left side of the road are just bare ground. No water = no birds. Still, we pressed on, after all it's a one way drive. 

Here's look at you!

Even Alligator Alley was unpopulated with its namesake. We were ready to write off the drive due to the dry conditions when we saw a familiar bird high in a nearby tree, it was an eagle! They are magnificent creatures. The white head is unmistakable. He was just sitting high in a tree, not moving and paying us no attention at all. With that we got our cameras out and took about a dozen photos. There were others stopped there too doing the same thing. 

As we moved on, he was still just sitting there surveying his domain, king of the forest from his throne. 

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