Cruising Tips

Friday, April 23, 2021

Jekyll Island Marina - at a dock and dining out at Zachry's Riverhouse at the marina


Up close and personal in a narrow channel 

The excitement of the passage to Jekyll Island was meeting the Independence in the narrow channel with range markers (to keep you in the narrow channel). I let him have the center of the channel and I scooted off to one side, carefully. He didn't seem to change course anyway so it was for the best. At least we got a good view of him as he passed by.

The docks were concrete and very solid

We docked at Jekyll Island Marina for the first time ever for us. We usually just anchored out and skipped the marina but we thought we would try something new this time and explore the island. We're glad we did. There's a lot to see on Jekyll. I didn't realize it's such a short ride on a bike (provided for free by the marina) to the Atlantic side and the beach. 

The restaurant is in a beautiful setting by the marina pool, and the food is good!

We had lunch at Zachry's Riverhouse restaurant that's right by the marina and were pleased with the quality of the lunches. I had the shrimp and grits (Ann can't stand grits but I like it) and Ann had the homemade crabcakes which were very good. We'll go back again on Saturday for the sandwich selections. 

The bicycle paths were all over Jekyll, you didn't have to compete with the local cars

The marina also provides two golf carts for transient use, again at no charge. We'll use one tomorrow to go to the nearby market for some fresh vegetables. After that, we'll try the bike. Jekyll has bike trails all over the island so you're not in competition with the road traffic, very nice. 

Ah, the beach, and with colorful kits flying

We'll stay here Saturday too since there are thunderstorms predicted to roll through Saturday night, some may be severe. Then it's on to the Crescent River anchorage for Sunday night. 

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