Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Titusville - Zoom conquers all


The HDMI cable from the TV is plugged into our iPad

We spend about 7 months of the year on Fleetwing but we have families in Pennsylvania and Connecticut, how do we stay in touch? Everybody uses messaging and email, of course, and the telephone is ever-present - much better now with the universal offering of unlimited minutes (it didn't used to be that way). But then there are concerts, award events, and other activities for your grandkids, how to see those? 

The roses are still going strong

The answer is that you already know, the Zoom revolution. It's one thing to watch a video presentation but quite another one to actually participate in a Zoom meeting. We watched our grandson Rowan receive an award tonight from his competition at school, that was really neat. Ann attends her church in Lagrangeville via a weekly Zoom meeting. She can talk to the pastor in a give and take (the Zoom advantage over just a video) and trade stories with members of the church. This past Sunday, she even read the Bible lesson to the congregation, such is remote interaction nowadays. 

The roses I bought for Ann are still doing fine. We keep them on the main table and it adds a lot of color to the cabin, nice. 

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