Cruising Tips

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Titusville - Ponce de Leon Lighthouse and Hoolie blockade


Going somewhere?? Try and get past me! (he was asleep on the sofa before we stirred)

We decided to take a road trip today to see the Ponce de Leon lighthouse. We've seen it often in the distance from the Rockhouse Creek anchorage but never up close. As we were getting ready, Hoolie sensed we were going somewhere so he went up top and positioned himself between us and the exit off Fleetwing. We were not about to sneak out and leave him on the boat! At least, not without him trying to block our exit as you can see from the photo!

Our view for lunch

The lighthouse has to be approached from the north, going through the southern part of Daytona, it takes about an hour to get there. Ann packed a lunch and we found a picnic area with a clear view of the lighthouse. With temperatures in the high 80s, it was a very pleasant trip. 

I always liked the styling of the 1957 Chevy

I saw a classic 1957 Chevy that looked spotless. They go for anywhere from $60k to $120k depending upon the condition. I think it was parked there just to brag. It's one of the top classic cars ever made by American manufacturers. 

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