Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Titusville - Pelicans are back


He's keeping one eye on me!

The pelicans have probably never been gone but we hadn't seen them around for the past couple of months. Today, a couple came by to fish in the marina. One seemed to look out while the other one tried to find dinner. We wondered if they were a couple and where they would nest if they were, certainly nowhere near the marina. The ospreys nest on top of power line poles but I've never seen a pelican up there on one. 

The fishing perch

We also do not have many seagulls around. We heard that pelicans and seagulls do not mix which is certainly the case at Key West but I don't know the situation here in Titusville. The wind is piping up out of the north and the temps will drop tonight into the 50s, cold for Titusville. 

Tomorrow is donut day and that makes everything okay.

1 comment:

  1. Pelicans nest in colonies, unlike ospreys. Usually on small mangrove hammocks or other treed areas.
