Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Titusville - Groceries and a rising moon


Nice to have such a view off the back of the boat.

It's Saturday so it was grocery day. In figuring in the time saved by ordering groceries with the Walmart app and then having them loaded into the trunk at no extra charge, we think we save about 1/2 hour at least. We don't stand in line at the check-out register and in some experiences in the past, we spent more time standing in line than actually shopping. Plus, we don't spend time trying to find products on our list. We hope Walmart continues this service for a long time. 

The US used to be on the moon, maybe later too

We treated ourselves to another round of take-out dinners from Shilos. This time I had the crabcake sandwich and Ann had the fried fish sandwich, both were pretty good - not up to Key West standards but good nevertheless. 

We have been entertained by a rising moon at night. It's like the middle of summer here and the moon is spectacular. We are due for a SpaceX launch Sunday night so we'll try to get a photo of that. 

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