Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Titusville - Mystery fuel spill


No socially distancing for this group!

We woke up to the smell of a fuel spill on "A" dock. We never could pin down the source and it gradually dissipated during the day but not before we had to escape for a drive away from the marina. In the 10 years we've been coming to Titusville Marina, it's the first time anything like this has happened. 

Just beautiful creatures

Our escape route for the afternoon was to Black Point drive once again. It never disappoints. There are always birds, alligators, and ducks to see. However, it was a Saturday afternoon with excellent weather and the drive was more crowded than anytime we've ever seen. It was bumper to bumper in places. I think in the future we will avoid the drive on weekends. Still, there was lots to see and take pictures of. 

Mr Alligator was out, sunning himself

We will socialize with friends on Sunday, one of the few times we've met with other travelers. We will socially distance of course but it will be nice to see familiar faces!

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