Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Titusville - How do you tie down boats in a hurricane area?


One for each side

Titusville Marina has no storage area for boats out of the water. However, there are two marinas in the harbor and the one south of here, Westland Marina, does have land storage. It's tucked into the southern corner so no wave action can get at the boats still in the water nor get to the boats stored on land. That's fine,  but how do you protect from high winds when a boat is on land? 

The cement blocks look pretty heavy - could they move under hurricane-force winds?

We don't expect CAT5 hurricanes but 100 mph winds are still pretty damaging. The approach that Westland takes is to anchor no-stretch lines to the fore and aft cleats. Nylon line will not work due to its stretchiness. That brings up a web approach which they use. The second piece of the puzzle is how to anchor the lines? Westland uses two types of anchors: cement blocks and large screws turned into the ground. I guess both have their pros and cons but the type that's screwed into the ground appears to be more secure than a cement block lying on top of the ground which I can picture scooting along under a
pounding stress. 

A more traditional approach is to use earth screws - better or not as good as cement blocks?

On the other hand, Westland has been through many hurricanes passing through the area and has survived so I would go with their recommendations. They also have an excellent mechanic on site which I've used many times but it's a DYI yard for those that prefer their own labor. 

We're in a cool period but that's going to change in the next few days for a week when temperatures are due to reach into the 70s every day. 


  1. Bob,

    For Covid vaccine availability, check local hospital websites as well as county health department sites.Check in Melbourne, and Orlando!

    My wife and I were able to sign up for an appointment Saturday night for a shot Sunday morning at Jackson Hospital in Miami! We heard about it thru word of mouth as it wasn't advertised.

    We had to drive the 30 miles to Miami from Ft. Lauderdale but it was worth it!

  2. Changes in L'AttitudesJanuary 28, 2021 at 6:15 PM

    Westland is a great yard ... we were on the hard there for five weeks and Chase and the crew couldn't have been more supportive.
