Cruising Tips

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Titusville - Ann gets her first vaccine shot, Bob423 burgees arrive


The Bob423 burgee!

I got an email this morning from Italy that the burgees designed by Aqua Map were delivered so I hurried to the office to get them. They have the Aqua Map logo but also a logo they designed for me, Bob423. I quickly hoisted one so now I'm an official Aqua Map Bob423 boat. I plan on giving some away to members of the ICW Cruising Guide forum for service above and beyond the call of duty. I think they look kind of neat. 

Hoist time

Tonight, Ann kept an appointment for the last vaccine given out in the latest cycle, at 7:48 pm over on Merritt Island. Since it was by appointment only, there were no lines. You just appeared, filled out a form declaring no allergies and then went to the pharmacy for your shot. You were asked to wait for 15 minutes after the shot to see if any allergic reaction took place, Ann had none. The second shot will be four weeks later but that's automatically scheduled due to getting the first shot. 

A better view

So now it's just keeping safe in the meantime so the second shot can be given with no complications. It's a great relief to start down the road of normalcy again. 


  1. Glad you got the vaccine. Awsome Burgee! You are so appreciated for your contribution. Super kudos to Aqua Map for their app too! Will the burgees be available to users?

  2. Like the Burgee.
    Alan & Jeanne Cecil
