Cruising Tips

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Titusville - The first manatee of our visit


Not much to see but our first one of the season

We're due to get high winds (in the 20s) over the next few days out of the north so I added extra lines to secure the boat. I always double up on the lines just for an added safety factor. I think we're okay here on anything short of a hurricane which is not likely during the winter season. 

The modern playground has Astroturf applied over a rubber base
(so the kiddies don't hurt themself if they fall - we never had that consideration)

On the way to do laundry this morning, we saw our first manatee this season. The water in the marina is green which we're told is from the recent heavy rains. The manatee seemed to enjoy the water nevertheless. 

On the other hand, the skateboard park is all concern surfaced

We still intend going north for the holidays but heard this morning that a COVID-19 test will be required before entering New York and another test two days later once in New York per the governor's order today. I have no idea how they intend to enforce this mandate for cars entering on expressways. If they checked every car for "papers" it would cause a massive traffic jam. We intend following the order anyway and hopefully, it won't result in days of delays at the entry points. 

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