Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Windmill Harbour - at a dock


Out for sailing class!

Today was in great contrast from yesterday - no rain, no wind, great moving along. We have a traditional stay at Windmill Harbour to see friends and to enjoy the company of other boaters. Of course, we do things differently with the virus about but we still get to enjoy each other's company. 

Great flower from Rick and Elizabeth!

I used to give talks here as part of my visit but that's no longer a good thing to do with the virus around - no gatherings. We refueled and had a pump-out so we're good to go for Titusville for sure. Ted Arisaka and Patti paid us a visit and in this era, brought their own chairs to sit out on the dock by Fleetwing. It's good to meet friends along the way, even if it's with social distancing! 

The modern way to socialize during the pandemic

We also ran into Rick and Elizabeth who gifted a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of Italian wine, always welcomed, we do love our wine. So with all the important stuff done, we're ready to move again Friday morning. We're headed to Kilkenny for the night and then on to the Crescent River anchorage. We are making good progress south!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see Fleetwing and crew. Fair winds on your voyage south!
