Cruising Tips

Monday, October 19, 2020

St Johns Yacht Haven - at a dock


Awendaw Anchorage sunrise

The day started out with a great sunrise as I took Hoolie ashore for his morning institutional. The anchorage has a great place for Hoolie for his shore leave and the anchor came up clean, no mud. It's one of our favorite anchorages. There are usually 3 to 6 boats when we've been here in the past but this time there were only two, counting us. 

Out by the ICW, there's a sandy beach for Hoolie

With a 6.5 ft tide, there were no shallow spots to worry about but even without the tide, it was fine for boats with up to a 5.5 ft keel at MLLW. I took a photo of the Isle of Palms high bridge, it was just a little over 61 ft at high tide today. During the week, the Ben Sawyer Bridge opens on demand (on weekends, it only opens on top of the hour) which was convenient. However, the Wappoo Bridge only opens once an hour at the bottom of the hour, we missed the opening by 3 minutes! 

We had really high tides today!

We bucked a 4 kt tide running through Elliott Cut but eventually made it. The current is not as bad as the turbulence caused by the current interacting with the narrow passageway. You had to be on guard all the way through. 


Isle of Palms high bridge

We are now ensconced at St John's and will provision on Tuesday and do laundry, then it's on to Lady's Island Marina on Wednesday.  

1 comment:

  1. Bob - Just a short note to let you know that I always appreciate your postings. I am not a FB guy so these posts are much appreciated. I follow you every day.

    Our trawler FreeBird is currently at Marsh Harbor Boatworks in Beaufort for some minor repairs. Should be finished in a week or so and we are heading south to Fort Pierce. Hope to see you on the waterways.
