Cruising Tips

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Harbour Village - at a dock


The main facility at Harbour Village - great docks and they have fuel

The weather has turned really nice this year in going south with temperatures in the 70s every day with little wind. We're in a stretch where there's not a lot of choices for anchorages so we've been hitting the marinas for our nighttime rests. It makes for a relaxing day and, why not, it's fun heading south. 

Here's the view back after passing through Browns Inlet heading south
The red and greens are quite close together now.

Getting off the dock this morning at Caper's Marina was a chore. It's a big leap to get ashore with Hoolie. I helped another boat leave so he didn't have to do a similar leap to undo lines. I think they are going to see a big decrease in dockage and will not know why. 

The trip today was uneventful even though we passed through Browns Inlet (8.9 MLLW) and New River. I just followed the deep water as shown by the Aqua Map USACE survey and didn't have a problem. Harbour Village here is very protected and the docks are first rate. We're all set to leave early Thursday so we can reach St James Plantation Marina for the night and wine date with the McKays who took us in during hurricane Matthew several years ago. We will practice social distancing in the cockpit with good air flow so it should be fine. 


  1. Hi, Bob. I am glad your trip has come with pleasant weather and no transit issues so far. Are you publishing updated tracks for this southbound journey? Or, are you running the track line from your spring 2020 northbound journey? I recall last year that you updated your site with the daily tracks, but so far this year when I look at the HOME tab at your ICW tracks blogspot I only see 10/6 and 10/7 tracks as you were beginning.

    Just trying to get a sense of the best way to obtain the most current tracks southbound to download into AquaMap and also via GPX download to put into my Furuno TZT onboard nav system.

    On my iPad, I think the TZ iBoat App (which links to my onboard Furuno nav system) may be causing a problem. Each time I click on a link to download a track or route, that app launches rather than giving me the option to import into AquaMap. I believe you said in your update to delete such apps and then reinstall after importing routes.

    I've purchased the 2020 guide and like the updates very much. The cross references to your online content are very good.

    Thank you again, Bob.


  2. Brian, I gone over to use four “Long Routes” instead of all the daily routes. I will publish an updated Long Route from Norfolk to Southport tonight. It will contain all the updated tracks from my cruise south this month. There have been changes to several tracks through shallow spots due to continued shoaling, the updated Long Track will have all those changes.

    As you have found out, some apps act as blockers that prevent access to other apps. I’ve had to experiment and delete apps one at a time to find the offending app. In most occasions, I’ve been able to reload them afterwards and still do downloads to Aqua Map and Navionics.

    Coming into port now, more later use

  3. Brian, all the October 2020 daily tracks are now available in one download at the site. Look for the 101520 file. Time for visitors with wine, got to go.

  4. Thank you, Bob. I found it and will download. I am also interested to hear about Friday -- the always challenging inlets at Lockwoods Folly and Shallotte.

