Cruising Tips

Monday, October 5, 2020

Dozier's Marina - Genset work (all day...)


Dozier's has a really nice porch with a view

It was going to be a quick install with the new gasket, a 10-minute job and then the genset would be up and running. What a fantasy that was! The technician at Hinckley was supposed to have installed the cleaned heat exchanger with everything else ready to go. Alas, that was not the case. Multiple hose clamps had been left loose and many hose connections not attached at all. Hose clamps were even missing, what a nightmare. 

Dozier's also has a pool, and it's still open! 

I had the antifreeze and set of copper gaskets that Hinckley had ordered but I had to order a second gasket that they forget. That came in over the summer so this morning, I set out to breathe life back into our supply of 120v when at anchor. After multiple delays and discoveries which no one wants to know about (boring...) I finally got the genset running around 3:00, five hours after I started. Nothing on a boat is ever as quick as you expected, or especially as wanted. I refuse to even think about the cost of kilowatt-hour from our genset, you cannot do an ROI on having a genset, just staying in marinas wins every time, but it's not about doing an ROI, it's about being comfortable on a boat, at least for us.

Meanwhile, we will be leaving Dozier's Tuesday morning for Norfolk, skipping Hampton all together. It's getting chilly up here and it's time to head south! 

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