Cruising Tips

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Stingray Point Boat Works - in the well

They have boats of all kinds here, lots of wetted surface on this one but a classic
Stingray Point Boat Works made room for us in the well overnight so we would be ready to be first out in the morning. Ann backed Fleetwing out of her slip with aplomb and then I took over since Stingray wanted the boat backed in.

For those who are fans of The Expanse on Amazon, here's it's namesake (or Don Quixote's horse)
The channel is rather narrow between the two marinas and as I was tooling along, Ann motioned for me to get over to port - unfortunately, I ignored her and Fleetwing abrupted stopped! I was headed to the well for lift out and was keeping the reds on my port side as if I was going up the ICW - wrong decision! I should have kept the reds on the starboard side (red, right, returning...) . So I backed off and shifted over to the green side and all was well.

The car is thinking, "enough of this, I've been ignored long enough - let's go!"
It was a major workday with me doing the oil change, oil and fuel filter changes, and getting tons of stuff off Fleetwing. It's amazing what you accumulate after months afloat! What's left if for haul out Wednesday morning at 7:30 and then taking down the bimini and dodger, no small task in itself. After that, we'll retire to the Waterway Guide cottage nearby and rest up for the trip north on Thursday morning.


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