Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Key West - A virus free zone, again - I like flowers!

I remember these from two years ago, stunning in person
The virus news is never-ending so we took our antivirus walk this afternoon and admired the flowers of Key West, it amuses us - maybe not our readers so much - but that's how it goes. This time of the year, we plan our walks so we're in the shade most of the time. The air temperature may be in the high 70s but when you're in the sun, it feels like 100.

A very popular flower in Key West, it's all over
Unfortunately, when we walk in the afternoon, the sun aligns with the streets. You're in the shade on one street but when you turn the corner, the sun is directly on you, no shade. Now, if only we could have convinced the city planners to rotate the streets about 45 degrees, then that would suit us just fine for our walks.

The old standby - by BOs Fishwagon across the street. They have been blooming for at least 10 years. 
I don't know the names of any of the flowers, if they're pretty to look at, I'll snap a photo. It takes our mind off the virus news. If you really want local virus news, just Google the local newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos of the flowers and the palm trees in your posts. My favorite flower is also the hibiscus - the pink one. When I was a kid in Corpus Christi, we had one in our front yard but it was red. We are up in upper Keys and our afternoon walk also seems to always be in the sun and I agree - it is a bit warm! But our dogs need walks so I guess that is what we do. I hope you all enjoy your walks and hope to run into you some day on the water.

