Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Key West - It's just nice to walk around in the warm weather

The flowers form an archway over the sidewalk, nice
We go out in the morning for 1/2 hour and again in the afternoon for the same. We are in March mode where we walk on the shady side of the street to avoid the hot sun. It was only 78 today as a high but it was still hot in direct sunlight, we are far south of our New York, the sun is much higher and the rays are more direct.

Close up, they are just spectacular 
The advantage, of course, is the warmer weather which grows great flowers of which we never tire. With that, we pick routes that show the flowers to their advantage for us to admire. Well, we like it.

All colors are represented
Meanwhile, the list of attendees for my 3/19 Going North presentation continues to grow, it's currently at 36 and still going up. There are even sign-ups for meeting Bob423 at lunch. I'm busy getting prepared with the slides, it ought to be fun.

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