Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Key West - the flowers come out

There's a whole row of these across from BOs Fishwagon
As you know, Key West is tropical, it has never seen frost. Nevertheless, it still has seasons when the flowers come out more so than others. They start appearing around the middle to end of February and then explode into March. They add an explosion of color to our afternoon walks.

Bien in Key West keeps these to add to the flower parade
I don't know the names of all the flowers, I just enjoy the riot of color that they add as we walk along the sidewalks of Key West. Perhaps one of these years, I'll look up the names.

Another example across from BO's Fishwagon
Meanwhile, I have a major task tomorrow in replacing the hose to the head. It's required every three to four years and it's time now. It's hardly something to look forward to so that will consume Friday. On the weekend, we have the Key West Art Festival which consists of artists from all over coming to Key West to show their works. It's like Ann being in a candy store. She loves to talk shop with the artists. Unfortunately, she came down with the same cold I had but it seems mild so we'll probably go anyway. Key West has lots of tourists coming to town, especially on cruise ships so we keep our distance as best we can. It's not a closed-up town like up north, everything is open-air so there's always a flow of fresh air and I would think that helps, we'll see.

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