Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Miami - at anchor

Cuddled up for the ride, with Hoolie too
Sorry, but yesterday I lied! Today was really a travel day, and we'll be anchored in Miami, south of the Rickenbacker bridge, for a couple of days. After a while, I went swimming off the back (In freezing water.). Before we anchored, we saw a shipping port, filled with container ships and barges. There were HUGE cranes, loading and unloading ships. After, we anchored just little ways out from a beach. And the ice cream truck comes every once in a while, which I know is a good sign. Tomorrow will not be a travel day, :), which is good, because I'm getting sick of them

Fleetwing looked fine at Bahia Mar - but expensive at $3.50/foot
We thought we would have a calm ride south from Ft Lauderdale but it was a lot more bouncy than we anticipated. Rowan took it in stride and even read a book along the way, something I would not try. He certainly has his sea legs.

We got all the way to Miami before seeing our first sunset!
We found that our favorite anchorage was closed! Marine Stadium was closed so they could install the docks for the Miami Boat Show. High winds out of the northeast are predicted for the next two days so we rounded the corner and anchored on the south side of Rickenbacker. It will provide protection from the north, northeast, and east - and a little even from the southeast. The beach itself is off-limits to dinghies with motors but dogs are allowed if on a leash. I found some rocks to the east so I used those for Hoolie relief.

The next two to three days are not good for traveling. We are due winds up to 22 kts with higher gusts. Perhaps we can move on Monday depending on the details of the forecast. The weather has been strange this trip, lots of variable weather we usually didn't see in the past.


  1. Hi Bob and Ann,
    Are you anchored on the south side of Virginia Cay after going under the William Powell Bridge?
    We’ve not been on the ICW south of Stuart and plan on going that direction soon so I’m following where your stops are, just in case!
    We thought that Miami wasn’t closing feb 5?

  2. Rosie, 2/5/2020 was the initial date but a different dept of the police had other ideas. Yes, we are on the south side of Rickenbacker causeway (pass through the bridge). There is excellent protection from the north through east.
