Cruising Tips

Monday, November 4, 2019

Titusville - the rains come

The photo doesn't do it justice
Ann is back to painting again and it's a joy to see her work around the boat. She sets up on the cockpit with all her pastels laid out and paints whatever inspires her. I like her work - and I'm not biased :)

We have a change of weather with lots of rain in the forecast. We were so lucky to have a good spell of weather to reach Titusville by November 1st. There's a whole bunch of boats still north of us that's not so lucky. Many of them had insurance that required them to stay north of Florida until November. We don't have that restriction so we came down early.

Groan, another walk in the rain... 
I took Hoolie out and we all got wet but at least we weren't in a dinghy. Still, wet is wet and we're now drying off inside the cabin with the A/C on to keep the humidity down so we can dry off. We've been busy as beavers even since we've arrived here so on Tuesday, we're just going to take it easy. One of the advantages of this marina is a mechanic next door in the adjacent marina. I'll take advantage of that to get the aft shaft seal replaced on Thursday. Then, I need to start getting the boat secure for our trip north for the holidays with extra lines and fenders. I wonder if it's cold up north?

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