Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Titusville - Paintings, Manatees, Wind

An example of single-point perspective
Ann continues to take Great Courses drawing lessons. As I mentioned before, they are free if you belong to a local library. They can be streamed to your TV via an iPhone, iPad, or even a Roku device. Her latest lesson involved the use of single-point perspective which is used on the watercolor above. I like her work in watercolor, very light and airy.

We are the third boat in, protected by two very large power boats, a good spot!
Last night the wind howled and we recorded a gust to 38.4 kts with a steady wind in the low 30s. We were secure as the third boat on "A" dock, as far away from the entrance you can get. Titusville has many good points but it is not well protected from an east wind. The entrance is wide open to the east and boats near the entrance will bounce a bit in winds greater than 15 kts. All the docks are secure enough, no problem there, you just have to be sure you are securely tied up if the wind pipes up.

Hoolie will not let a manatee get up on land!!
Hoolie did some manatee hunting today and found one by the walk. He made sure it stayed in the water! We counted three in all. Later that evening, we had Gordon and Eta over again. They are headed south on Sunday and will spend most of the winter in St Lucie.

The winds are predicted to final subside on Sunday and we'll try again to see if there is any wildlife on Black Point Drive on Merritt Island. Last week we saw nary a bird.

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