Cruising Tips

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Titusville - New running area and dog park

The most beautiful sight of all for a sailboater - a 65 ft high bridge!
Today was getting Fleetwing ready for replacing the aft oil seal. The Volvo D2-55 engine has a history of developing oil leaks at the aft shaft where it exits the engine. I've had it done before so I'm familiar with the process. It's a five-hour process to replace a $200 part so the labor is more than the oil seal. One of the advantages of being in the Titusville Marina is that we have a mechanic right next door at Westland Marina, Boater's Edge.  He'll start in at 9:00 and hopefully be done in five hours.

Anybody for a little exercise along the running trial?
Another thing we've enjoyed during our stay here is the excellent running area. It has just been repaved and they've added exercised equipment along the running path. I don't use the equipment but the running path is great. There are no seams to trip over, nice and smooth.

Well, throw your ball, already...
Of course we took Hoolie back to the dog park. It's a big deal for him to get out and run free. he just chases the tennis ball, that's all he's interested in - certainly not the other dogs. They only thing he wants to do is run after a ball. It's nice here now, the rains seemed to have passed and we have a calm night ahead.

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