Cruising Tips

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Titusville - Last day and end of blog until January 6

I go by this place every time I go for donuts, I've got to try it out sometime!;
Price seems reasonable
The time as come to head north. It's our annual northward migration for the holidays. We do enjoy being with family for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. We'll see a little snow, just enough to remind us of why we like to head south for the winter although we're seeing a little of winter down here in Titusville! It's only in the 50s and that's cold for this time of the year.

The Heron has taken to fishing at night!
We don't pick up the car until Monday morning and then it's a race to get it loaded, the boat locked up, and then heading north on I95. We are headed for Deltaville, Virginia, but we won't get there until Tuesday afternoon. We left our car there in October so we will turn in the rental and take our own car back to New York - and the cold weather (the real cold weather, not just the 50s).

Poor Fleetwing, all alone for the next month or so
We will return to Titusville in January with Rowan in tow for the trip down to Key West. It will be the first trip for Rowan with just us. Ann will do most of the homeschooling but I'll probably be called upon for the math. Hopefully, there will be a rocket launch, Rowan is a great fan of space and i hope there will be a launch for him to see.

So until January, it's bye for now. I hope you've enjoyed the blog so far. I will pick it up again in January and you can follow us to Key West. Part of Rowan's duties on the boat will be to write his own intro to the blog every night so you can see his take on boat living.


  1. Safe travels back up North. We'll keep an eye on things for you down here in Florida.

  2. Happy holidays! Safe travels, looking forward to the blogs each morning upon your return.

  3. Paul - Changes in L'AttitudesNovember 18, 2019 at 6:30 PM

    Safe travels and enjoy the holidays. Hopefully today's sunshine followed you up the I-95 speedway.

  4. Happy Thankgiving!
    Am enjoying your book; we contemplate leaving Olverson's Lodge Creek Marina aboard SIGMACHI about the 1st week in December for Florida.

    Tight Lines!
    Alan & Jeanne Cecil

  5. Dear Ann and Bob,
    I was SO thrilled to meet you today in church. Talking with you in person brought so many points of interest together for me. Ann, thank you for your recent artwork. I have seen your work now online and look forward to seeing more! Learning about your Inter-coastal Waterway experience and expertise was a gift to me. The concept of sailing that waterway has always appealed to me and is on my "bucket list." I will follow your blog as you head to Key West, and I will hold you in prayer for safe sailing, beautiful sunsets, and family joy. Please remember I am available from wherever in the world you might be!
    Peace, love, and joy,
    Pastor Darlene

  6. Hi! Sittin' here waitin' on y'all. We'll say hi to Sushi tonight at Bourbon Street Pub KW for you. Happy New Year and Stay warm.

  7. Greetings from the crew on SIGMACHI! We've been at the lovely Palm Coast Marina for a week now...pulled props by diver for balancing and repitching. Nice marina!

    Hope to be underway next week ambling toward Jupiter. If you know of reasonable slip for a few weeks on Jupiter area please share with us.

    Hope all is well with you!

    Tight Lines!
    Alan & Jeanne
    Aboard SIGMACHI
