Cruising Tips

Friday, October 11, 2019

RE Mayo - at a dock

This guy is right behind us
Finally, finally, we made it through the Alligator River swing bridge! They did the first opening last night at 5:00 for a north bound barge which proved that everything was working as expected. The bridge engineer, who I've come to know, held a special opening at 7:30 am just for those on the docks at Alligator River Marina who had waited so long to get through. Out we filed and lined up for a mass exodus. The bridge opened as promised, we all went through!

Wilkerson bridge is always a tight fit - here it is only 63 hight
It was a great day to travel with north winds, no rain, and full sunshine. We made it to RE Mayo by 4:20 pm and got a dock for $0.40/ft. For our dock, there was no electricity and no water but that's okay since we were only going to be there one night. The docks here are not for everyone. They look broken down, there are two outhouses to serve as transient bathrooms and there are no showers. If you want all that stuff, you go elsewhere.

This is why you need 17 inch round fenders along
What does attract us are the flash-frozen locally caught seafood, especially the shrimp and scallops. They are packed flat so they fit in the freezer without any wasted space - and they are good! They also feature a heavy-duty marine store with items you won't find elsewhere. We're happy with the stop and always look forward to restocking our freezer with their seafood.


  1. It appears your Spot tracker is not reporting. We hope you get it going. We love following your winding track South. We were so glad to see you were finally able to get through the Alligator Swing bridge. Take care.
    Fair winds & Smooth sailing,
    Elaine & Lawrence C.L.O.D.

  2. Glad you made it through. That 63 ft of the Wilkerson bridge is indeed very worrisome. Was this at high tide? Enjoy the journey. Harry

  3. Lawrence, you can follow Fleetwing on, via Fleetwing’s AIS transponder.
