Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bethune Park in Daytona - at anchor

Yeah! The dredge at Ft Matanzas - but don't stray too far from the dredge, I did and found only 6.5 MLLW
We had another fantastic day of good weather for cruising south. We've never experienced this warmth before. Usually, we occasionally run the genset for heat but on this trip, whenever we've turned on the genset, it's been to run the A/C! Tonight it was 95 in the cockpit but on came the genset to cool off the cabin which was up to 98F. It's now a comfortable 78 and we'll turn it off when we go to bed. The big weather change starts Friday with a high only in the '70s. That's more like the Florida we remember from past trips.

Dayton Beach Seabreeze Twin Bridges - tide was at 0.8 ft
Not going to make 65 ft!
We are at one of our favorite anchorages tonight. It has lots and lots of room in 10 ft of water and a nearby sandy beach for Hoolie next to a park. The charts for the area are wrong, especially SonarChart. They show shallow water but there's 10 ft with very little tide, less than a foot and the holding is excellent.

Tomorrow is a big day - we finally arrive in our home for the holidays - Titusville Marina. We will leave Fleetwing there and drive north for the holidays, returning the beginning of January. We missed Key West last year but our plans include a two month stay this year starting 1/28/2020. Can't wait!

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