Cruising Tips

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Alligator River Marina - at a dock

The breakwater is a life saver for the marina
Our normal run would be from RE Mayo to the Pungo anchorage just south of the Alligator-Pungo Canal. However, the weather was forecast to be good and there was the possibility of bad weather later on, so we decided to push on to Alligator River Marina at 52 Nm. We got up early and pushed off a little before 7:00 am and made the marina by 3:40. It was a long day for us but with the fair winds and no wave action, it was easy.

We are on the one long facedock for easy in and out
The marina here is nothing special. It's actually just a gas station with a marina attached. It consists of one long facedock and a dozen slips with short fingers. On the plus side, it's very protected from wave action by the long breakwaters that extend out into the river so you'll have a calm night if you come. We used to just anchor our at any of the nearby anchorages but when we were beset with fuzzy bills one year, we skipped the anchorages and just took a dock here. They have fuel available and excellent WiFi.

We hope to reach Coinjock on Sunday and had a steak dinner but when I called this morning, they weren't taking any more reservations! It's a Mother's Day Sunday and they were full. So we're on a waiting list for the Sunday dinner. Who would have thought that a restaurant like that, out in the boonies, would be so full on Mother's Day?!

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