Cruising Tips

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Titusville - Manatee Watching and Shiloh

Gentle giants - but a local diver in the area related that one purposely got between him and an alligator
one time when he was in the water scraping a hull. He's now very fond of manatees!
The weather is warming up and that brings the manatees out in force in the marina. We saw a manatee with a young calf this afternoon. They were just lazing in the sun soaking up the rays. Sarah loves to sit and watch them.

Sarah gives all the manatees she sees a name
About this time of the year, the winds shift from predominately out of the north to out of the south. We are in the middle of that shift now and with the south winds, we are getting warmer weather. We are typically getting highs of 85 now but it still cools down to the 60s at night. We're not in the middle of summer yet.

The big event on Wednesday is the Falcon Heavy launch which is still holding at 6:38. It slipped twice but the Wednesday date looks good so far. We would like to drive south about 5 miles to get a better angle on the launch but the roads are expected to be packed so we'll play it by ear. NASA even hinted that the Falcom Heavy could send man to the moon - if NASA's own rocket was delayed too much or canceled. We'll watch it on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I did not find any better Kayak places that would go to Haulover Canal. I guess they go in and out of business. Being you already are seeing manatees, I think the airboat will be good especially when it is hot. Have Sarah look for Number 7 ( |||| || ) The 4 ones are crossed plus 2 more on his back hence 7.
    Good Luck and have fun!
    Hope you have a good view for the launch. I don't think we get out of work early enough to get there in time.
    Pat and Kathy
