Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Titusville - Falcon Heavy redo, Disney World

It was a spectacular launch of the Falcon Heavy. This was the view from our dock in Titusville Marina
When you put things away after a visit, it is always best to put it all away fresh. With that in mind, we had three loads of laundry today and we'll have two more loads on Sunday. We will start out clean heading north on Monday. It continues to warm up with a high in the 80s and a prediction of 91 for Sunday. Summer has definitely arrived, time to move on. 

The kids spent Friday at Disney World - staring out at 5:30 am and leaving the park at 10:00 pm
It's wonderful to be so young...
My son took a better picture of the Falcon Heavy launch than I did so I'm featuring that photo tonight. It was successful in every way and now the US has a proven rocket that's twice the power of anything else in the world. 

Meanwhile, we're reclaiming the aft cabin to make our living quarters more spacious (and the aft cabin less spacious). We will continue the process on Sunday in preparation for our Monday morning departure for Bethune Park in Daytona. It's getting close to the time to return to the cooler temperatures. 

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