Cruising Tips

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Jekyll Island - at anchor

Fernandina - not done yet!
We waited an extra day to get the light winds and the weatherman came through, this time at least. It was a great day for traveling with temps in the 70's and full sun. There were no surprises through the shallow areas, I just followed the routes posted in and the least I saw, in just one spot, was 7 MLLW briefly. It was a stress-free trip. Also, we didn't see any dredges today, not even in Sawpit Creek.

Nice access to shore behind the dinghy dock.
Anchoring was another matter. We had a west wind so it was pushing us out into the channel when anchoring on the west shore. We wound up pulling up anchor and re-anchoring further to the west to be sure we were out of the channel given the west wind. Windlasses are made for things like this, no big deal except for consuming time.

As I said before, nice dinghy dock
We plan on a late start, around 9:00, to get a 2 ft tide for Jekyll. It's not dredged all the way yet. We'll find out more on Monday when we pass through. Our next stop is Crescent River anchorage with a sandy beach for Hoolie.

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