Cruising Tips

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Titusville - Wind storm - 43 kts!

Doesn't look too good but at least he's not moving at the moment
The wind never let up all day long. It averaged around 30 kts all day and gusted to 43 kts, that's 50 mph! It was relentless. It seems calm at the moment but then I looked at the wind speed and it reads 21 kts, all is relative! (it just gusted to 30 kts again...)

The anchorage area is a sea of whitecaps. One boat broke free and was driven ashore and we all thought it might make it through the opening to the marina but it finally hung up on the north bank of the entrance. It could have wreaked havoc, bouncing around between the boats at dock. There was a lot of interest on boat owners in the marina on just how well that boat was hung up. The guy on the facedock which was first in line walked out just to check it out

Here's the movie version, you get a better idea of the wind and waves
It doesn't appear to be in good shape and looked abandoned. We always wonder about those boats, nobody ever claims them and if they cause damage, the owner can't be found. The wind is due to continue to blow until Thursday evening when it's due to drop below 20 kts for the first time in two days. We are secure and will just wait out the winds, it's another day in the barn.

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