Cruising Tips

Friday, March 8, 2019

Titusville - Ospreys

On top of the world, well lit
All throughout Florida, you will see round platforms on the top of telephone and powerline poles. They are places for ospreys to build nests and build they do. Nearby us, there are platforms on both the powerline poles and also poles used to support lighting for the baseball field.

Here he is returning to the nest
The ospreys are quick to take advantage of the opportunity offered and raise their young high in the air, free from predators. We like seeing them swoop and swerve around. We just don't like them sitting on top of our mast!

Today we finally got our VHF antenna replaced with a new unit from Shakespeare. While he was at it, I had him replace the Windex too which was damaged by a hailstorm many years ago. Slowly, we are getting everything in order for our trip north. Just before we leave, I'll have the bottom scrubbed so I can maintain 7.3 kts underway. We're doing okay, just enjoying the warm weather.

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