Cruising Tips

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Titusville - The fuel leak is fixed

The long walk  back to Fleetwing - but it's well lit
I had the replacements for the fuel pump and filter holder but I didn't feel comfortable doing the work so I had a mechanic come over from Westland Marina. He was former Navy and did the job in short order.

Meanwhile, I'm installing my new AIS receiver with WiFi output. The major part of any electronic installation is running wires. Plugging things in is easy, finding 12v power is easy, mounting the components is easy -  but running wires, for example, for the external GPS antenna is not easy. The manufacturers of boats seem to make all openings just large enough for their systems with no thought for what may be needed for future installations. So I have yet another wire to run from the back rail where the antenna goes to the nav station, such fun.

Peaceful nighttime
We found that the no-pull harness  for Hoolie actually works! It's amazing, I had held no hope for it but work it did. Now Ann can take Hoolie for a walk without straining her arms. 


  1. Fantastic that your fuel leak fix held out. You must be breathing a sigh of relief knowing that it is now properly repaired.
    I was wondering - while your boat sits in Titusville for a month or so, do you have the bottom cleaned before heading back south? Weekly? Monthly?

  2. I’ll have it cleaned before leaving Titusville. I generally have it done once on the way down and again on the way north in the spring.

  3. Hopefully the weather God's will be kind and all this great weather will hold up for your trip North and the holidays! You've certainly paid your dues to them in the past few years.

    Have a great holiday season! I'll be looking for in the spring.

