Cruising Tips

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Daytona at Bethune Park - at anchor

The Memorial Bridge in Daytona. A new high rise!
We had 47 Nm to go so we left earlier than usual for us, around 8:00 am. Our one challenge for the day was getting through Matanzas which has a history of shoaling. It was dredged last year but it's gradually getting shallower. We made it through today at low tide and saw a minimum of 7.1 MLW. You just followed the buoys and you were fine.

The rest of the trip was uneventful although you had to pay attention to the chart since there were a few more shallow spots that followed. Everything was captured in the track I uploaded. Once again the winds were mostly light and it was a pleasant trip south.

Hoolie's beach is just to the right of the sailboat
We are now anchored in Bethune Park in Daytona. It's a large anchorage with plenty of room for everyone. We're anchored in 11 ft of water with Hoolie's beach nearby. The dinghy dock is still not repaired from hurricane Matthew but there's a sandy beach just to the south that's fine for landing a dinghy.

We are now staged for Titusville for arrival in the early afternoon, before the predicted storms. We have a car rented for the weekend so we'll provision and see the sights. We are looking forward to a couple of weeks in one spot. Hoolie's looking forward to his dog park jaunts.

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