Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Atlantic Highlands - we leave Sunday for Atlantic City

Notice that little sign in the right-middle of the photo, that's the high water mark for Hurricane Sandy
Sad to say that the part I needed to stop the fuel leak did not arrive today even with overnight shipping. So it was on to stopgap measures. The leak was only at the nut used to bleed the fuel line so it wasn't all that critical, I just needed to stop the leak at that point. The O-ring fix I applied yesterday seemed to hold so I'll go with that to Atlantic City. If worse comes to worse, I'll put a clamp on the top of the nut to squeeze it down int he same way that screwing it in does, pressure to the O-ring.

Dawn and Paul came by to say hello, we get a lot of visitors that way - good to keep in touch
Aside from that, the Prosine decided not to work anymore. It's 15 years old so it's not worth repairing, just get a replacement. The risk of something like that always seems to be higher after a pause in cruising. Leave something unused for a while and decay sets in. The cure is simple, don't stop cruising! We cruise 9 months of the year but I suppose we need to cruise all 12 months to keep everything working, including us!

Dawn and Paul Gudelis came by to visit this afternoon. We hope to meet up with them in St Augustine. They also have a boat dog and Hoolie was very interested in the subject.

The weather looks a little ominous 
We plan on leaving at our usual 6:00 am and expect the trip to take anywhere from 10.5 to 11.0 hours depending on current. The weather is predicted to be ok, not the best but the weather window closes up tight after Sunday for at least three and maybe four days, then it's on to Cape May.

1 comment:

  1. It’s always something. Obsessions engine is fixed, thanks to a mechanic who was willing to work on it yesterday afternoon. We are planning to leave Farley Marina at 8:00am. So we will miss you AGAIN! I know the forecast calls for rain, but that’s why we have a full enclosure! Hope to bump into you soon. Have a safe trip today-it’s such a long day, as you know well.
