Cruising Tips

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Atlantic City - last day, we hope

The table window at The Charthouse is really nice, good view
Given that this was our last day, we decided to celebrate with a dinner at the Charthouse. It's a tradition with us when we're in Atlantic City. I made resercations for 5:30  and then discovered that they had a special menu if you ordred befoe 6:00 pm. You got a three course meal for $29.95. Comparing the two menus, the regular vs the $29.95, they both came from the same kitchen and after all the adds, it worked out to about 1/2 price. I had the salmon and Ann had the Mahi-Mahi, both were good along with the clam chowder soup and dessert. With my $25 birthday credit form Landy's Select, it was reasonable.

We enjoyed the meal too
My repair package from McDonnell Marine finally found it's way to me. It was originally sent to Atlantic Highlands but the sender neglected to put my name on the package. The marina there had no idea that it belonged to me! FedEx was fine, they delivered the package to the address indicated. We had to leave the next day for Atlantic City and I called FedEx to see if they could pick the package up and redirect it to me at Atlantic City. They succeeded today! I pcked the package up at 4:30 at the marina officc. I give a lot of credit to FedEx for working through a problem they did not create.

The weather still looks good, so far, for a trip to Cape May on Friday. It may be a late morning run since there's a prediction of showers in the morning. We hope to make the trip up the Delaware  Bay on Saturday (unlikely) or Sunday (more likely). We would like to get all the way to Chesapeake City in one day since we'll have the tide with us all the way. However, the weather always wins in the end. '

1 comment:

  1. So, you guys seem to be sitting at the same table we did to celebrate my birthday, Reservations at 5:30-of course, the special. Salmon for David, Red snapper for me. Such a deal!!! We’re hanging an extra day here in Chesapeake City. Need some R and R. See you both soon!
