Cruising Tips

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Manhasset Bay - at a mooring

The sunset crowd has gathered for the show
Well. It has been an exciting 2 weeks that went by like The Flash on steroids.  Anyways we had an amazing breakfast of French toast and a boatload of syrup (pun intended) so it started raining around 2:00 in the morning which instantly woke me up because I felt like someone was dripping stuff on me. Woke up 5 hours later and it is still raining. So everyone walked the dog in the rain (gloat voice) while I stayed in and enjoyed my well-deserved sleep. I then was woken up by the smell of FRENCH TOAST. I scorned down my food and helped with the lines. After we got to Manhasset bay we swam off the back of the boat. I took Hoolie to shore. Well, that’s all I did, bonsoir.      

Today was not a good day for a long run up the Hudson what with all the thunderstorms forecasted. So we had a late start from Sand City and motored over to Manhasset Bay. From here, we're about 1.5 hours from Hell Gate so by leaving at 6:00 am, we should hit Hell Gate at slack tide. If all goes according to plan, by the time we reach the Hudson River, the tide ought to be running north and we'll have tide with us all the way to PYC to arrive sometime around 6:00 pm. It will be a long day but with good weather predicted, it shouldn't be a problem. Meanwhile, the antibiotics seemed to have taken effect and my jaw no longer feels like a hot poker is nearby. Hopefully, it was stay that way. 

The main attraction tonight
The crew has been rotating all chores with a duty roster as a guide. They are learning to work together in getting the boat on and off the dock. Everybody has a job to do and they've been learning well on this trip. We were tucked in tight at the fuel dock here with a pretty good wind pushing us into the dock. So I put a fender at the bow, a line from the bow to an aft cleat on the dock and had Ann power the boat forward. That pushed the bow into the dock, protected by the fender, and the aft section swung out. When it reached about 45 degrees, Ann put the boat in reverse and we backed out without a problem. It's a handy maneuver to learn if you don't already know it. 

By Monday night, we should be at the Poughkeepsie YC in Hyde Park, NY. We'll spend the night on the boat and head home the next day. It's been an adventure. 

TIP: If you think having 12 USB outlets is enough to recharge the electronics for four kids, think again...

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