Cruising Tips

Friday, July 13, 2018

Port Jefferson - at anchor with toothache

A classic boat in front of Hoolie's beach
Hi! It's Rowan reporting from port Jeff .Today we got a new alternator. That’s the good news. The bad news is grandpa got a toothache. Good news again! He got better. While walking over to the park, we saw the Samuel lake explorer. A sub designed to go on the bottom of the lake and retrieve items there. That’s all.Bye.   

More boats here than last time
Rowan was rather brief but he spent the better part of an hour on that short piece, pretty good for an 8-year-old. I think he said he had "writer's block." The excitement today was that I came down with a toothache this morning. Ann got hold of Monique who was only an hour away and she came and got me for a visit to her dentist. They closed today at noon but we just made it in time at 11:30. Yep, it was related to where an incomplete root canal was done years ago. Therefore, I need a new one, oh joy. 

Calm winds are forecast for later tonight. Plenty of room.
Monique's dentist prescribed antibiotics and a painkiller to tied me over until the root canal could be done, about 1.5 weeks away. I don't know if I can last that long but we'll see. We're back at Port Jefferson for the night and then we're headed back home so I can be close to my dentist. Manhasset is on the itinerary for Saturday and then it's up the Hudson River. If it wasn't for my problems, we would have turned around at Block Island. This trip has been without wind the entire way, we mostly motored. 

However, the new alternator arrived today at 10:00 am from Amp Tech in Texas and it fit perfectly and fixed the charging problem off the engine. We now have a fully functioning boat now, minus the capain - who marking time until he's fixed up too. Wish me luck. 

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