Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 13, 2018

RE Mayo - at a dock

It's nice to take all your toys with you
The crossing of the Neuse River was calmer than any time in the past, a piece of cake. Even though we're two weeks late, we continue to be blessed with excellent weather. It can't last all the way home but we hope it does. One would never believe how nasty the Neuse can be given today's weather coming north.

RE Mayo is not for everyone
We arrived at RE Mayo to find that we are the only boat here. That's pretty fortunate since there is only one electrical outlet. When more boats try to plug in with an adapter, the electricity turns off. The outlet can support one boat as long as not too many things are running. It supports one AC unit but not much more. On the other hand, the price is cheap at $0.40/ft with no extra charge for electricity. The place is not for everyone. It is not a marina, just a dock to tie up to and the docks look rather raw. You have to be careful where you step due to debris on the docks.

There are barges of potash shipped on this area of the ICW, very large and long
We like the place due to the seafood you can stock your freezer with. We choose the frozen shrimp mostly. It's caught locally and flash frozen in blister packs, perfect for packing a freezer. Tonight we had friends over for dinner and just enjoyed an evening in the cockpit talking of past times. They brought dinner too!

We will leave Monday morning for the anchorage at Pungo Creek at the south end of the Pungo-Alligator canal. It's a short hop of only about 26 Nm but it stages us for the next leg to Alligator River Marina.


  1. Please mark you notes for fall, and beyond - the crew of Lab Partners are AGLCA Harbor Hosts with a FREE pier to Looper AND friends. We are on Campbell Creek in sight of the ICW with two 30 amp power outlets, no water. 3 miles from Mayos and much more comfortable...especially for Hollie relief. We have room for two boats, or as many as want to anchor out may be have shore duty on land here. As long as we are home, Happy to drive you to Mayos to fill your freezer.
    You are welcome whether we are here or not.
    Didn't reach out to you this trip as I read your were meeting friends for dinner, I assumed you were headed into town. You are your friends would have been welcome here.
    Beth Tyler

  2. Beth, that is very kind of you. Yes, we had dinner on Fleetwing with firiends we’ve known for years but hadn’t seen for a long time. We know where Campbell Creek is, our friends had a house on the ICW just north of Campbell Creek. We'll be back in the fall, perhaps our paths will cross then.
