Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Marina at Grande Dunes - at a dock

My spring project continues - taking a photo of the height boards on every ICW bridge
I plan to convert the readings to MLW so you can add the tide to get the clearance
Unfortunately, this bridge had no height boards!
Today we didn't have to worry about shallow waters. It was a relief to just enjoy the scenery and the ride north. This stretch of the ICW is one of our favorites due to the greenery and just interesting vistas. It's an area where there are alligators and snakes but we didn't see any. The tide flows north and south through here with tides to 4 ft. There were rice plantations that took advantage of the natural flow of water to irrigate the rice fields with no need for pumps since high tide was enough to let water in and low tide to let the water out. It was fresh water from the river so it was a natural place for a plantation.

Typical marina but this one has a breakwater between it and the ICW to stave off wakes 
We had a foul tide the entire way to the marina so we didn't make good time but we arrived eventually. The Marina at Grande Dunes is fine, well kept and with good WiFi. We will stay here only one day and move on to St James Plantation Marina, one of our favorite stops.

I thought I would start a daily paragraph on cooking aborad Fleetwing but I have to enlist Ann to give me the details. So here goes: The meat was pork tenderloin with a rub of oregano, parsley, lemon zest, and garlic. Then it was brazed in a skillet until done with a coating of flour to keep it moist. The salad leaves are kept fresh in a glass of water until needed. The salad consisted of asparagus (baked to 2min), peas (same), lettuce, with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, honey, mustard and topped with feta cheese. Ann served freshly sliced tomatoes on the side that we picked up at a farmers' market. If this is popular, I'll continue it. We eat very well on Fleetwing.

We'll keep moving as long as the spell of good weather lasts and that's been extraordinary the last week or so. Meanwhile, our dinghy continues to deflate, oh well.


  1. Love the food bit, Bob! Ann sounds like a great cook and very creative in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing your blog, I truly enjoy it.

    Peace & fair winds,
    Kia Gardner
    Harlem, New York

  2. Kia, I don’t know whether people care about the food part so I tried adding it to one of the blogs. If people want it, I’ll add it in.

  3. Keep the “food part;” great addition. Better yet, encourage Ann to write it!

  4. Arthur, I’ll see what I can do.
