Cruising Tips

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Key West - Rising Moon

Monument Park by Mallory Square, the wreakers
You can look in GPX File at the left for the latest updates on routes for getting through the new shallow areas. The inlets continue to be unusually active this year. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has been doing almost monthly updates to their surveys and it's been needed. I'll be maintaining a close watch on those areas as we get ready for the trip north.

Key West is resurfacing their docks in the bight with ipe and it's about 90% done. The walkway is such a vital part of the waterfront that they've had treat it like a road when repaving. One side is blocked off as they replank the other side. If they blocked everything off, the tourists couldn't reach the restaurants. We expect to see the first of the spring breakers next week and even more the week after. For swimsuit admirers it's really bad since there's less swimsuit to admire every year...

The moon rising over Key West
The marina is starting to empty out, there are plenty of slips to be had now. Ann continues to paint and I'll feature her next pastel in a future blog. She's having some success getting back in the swing of things painting since things have calmed down.

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