Cruising Tips

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Key West - Pastels

Scene along the ICW
Ann has been up in the cockpit almost everyday since our northern visitors left. She has a full array of pastels to use and she likes nothing more than to just paint so I thought I would include some of her latest works. Most of her paintings are of what we've seen along the ICW. We often just sit in the cockpit at night and look at the ever changing scenery.

Key West House
Key West is not ignored either. Here's a house along one of our daily walks. Ann like the play of shadows on the fence and the shades of blue along with the different colors of the flowers.

Passing through Georgia is like going through a sea of grass. It's quite beautiful in its own way, you just have to look our for shallows.

Her painting of today
About a block away is a row of blossoms of all colors. Ann tried to capture the reds in this flower. She may try the yellow and pink shades next. We will often detour just to be sure we pass by. We never see anything special being done to produce the blooms, they seem to come naturally.


  1. Beautiful work, Ann! Thanks for sharing it.
    Fancy Free

  2. Laura Bertran, Ann says thanks for the complement!
