Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Key West - Matthew leaves for cold weathyer

BO's Fishwagon, unusual as usual. 
Sadly, the time had come for Matthew to return home to the cold north country. He's due back at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island on Monday. We rented a car today for one last tour of Key West with Matt before he had to leave. It was a vintage Key West day with light winds and temps in the high 70's with full sun.

Typical Key West chick magnet
For his last meal in Key West, we went to BO's Fishwagon for one of their famous Grouper sandwiches. They really are excellent but the Grouper is expensive since they don't catch Grouper anymore near Key West. Of course, we had the conch fritters to go with the sandwich, an absolute must in BO's.

Spongers tend to make these things

After dropping Matt off at the airport, we provisioned for the trip north and now we're all set. I have a lot of boat projects to do to get the boat ready, nothing major, just the usual stuff of oil changes, etc. I've already updated my GPX routes with the latest waypoints through the shallows but I'll check the spots again before I leave. Meanwhile, we're just going to enjoy our last two weeks before heading to Marathon where we hope there will finally be an empty mooring.


  1. Just left Marathon on Friday, no wait for moorings, so I expect you'll be fine!

  2. Sionna, that’s great news!! Thanks so much for the information. We wanted to stay in Marathon for a week. We missed it on the way down.
