Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Key West - Focus on Food

Willie-T's specializes in dollar bills stapled to the walls and ceiling
Ahoy! Day 2 on the Fleetwing was a lazy one for sure. I did some catching up on sleep and didn’t start my day until one thirty. Most of the day has been lounging around with a quick walk with Hoolie. The island is hopping for sure. Nana and I sat across from a Conch Train stop and people watched. A mini van passed us with a series of shells and paintings on it. There was a series of motorcycles and small scooters littering the streets with an assortment of convertibles. I don’t think I seen so many Ford Mustangs in one place before. Nana is cooking up some chicken alfredo for dinner. Can’t wait to have some proper alfredo, the school’s cafeteria isn’t exactly the best at making alfredo. As the day winds down and the party boats roll out, there is bound to be more laziness to come. Here’s Matt signing off for day two of Camp Fleetwing. 

Yes, they are real $1 bills, just signed and drawn on
One thing you have to do above all else for someone just beyond their teenage years is to feed the furnace. Our cooking recipes are simple, we just double whatever we would have made for ourselves. It may not satisfy the need for late night snacks but it satisfies the moment, at least for a couple of hours. 

The house may not look like much but the flowers are beautiful.
By the way, it's hard to find a house in Key West for less than $1,000,000, this one included
The winds are starting to moderate down to the 10 to 15 area but it's still cool at less than 70 degrees for a high. Early in the morning with our walks and running, we see a lot of parkas with hoods pulled tight. We haven't run our air conditioning for several days now. However, it's nice walking weather.

My review of navigation apps is finally getting published this Wednesday on Waterway Guide. After that passes, I'll post the review on this site too. I'm sure it will generate some controversy. Captains like their anchors, propellers and their nav apps! There's a little logic in there but a lot of emotional attachment. The review comes with an Excel spreadsheet of all features vs apps, a slideshow of screenshots, an how-to on using GPX files, a description of features offered  by each app, and my own recommendations. See Wednesday's edition of the Waterway Guide Newsletter for the evaluation. 

Note:  I just looked up that house shown above with the flowers, it's valued at $1.675,861


  1. $1.6m for that house and it includes all the termites. Actually alot of the old houses were built with Dade County Pine which is now extinct from over harvesting early in the 20th century. It was very hard and termite resistant.

  2. Fred, we occasionally see a tented house in the area. This year we even saw a tented boat in this marina! It was a big powerboat, I can’t imagine that I was wooden, don’t know why it was tented, only for a couple of days,

  3. Thanks for the iPad navigation report. I’m a Ranger Tug guy and I’ve shared the link with the user group TugNuts.

  4. Ronald, there’s a ton of detail in the report. One can chose whatever features they think is most important to them using the included spreadsheet and thereby choose a different app from my favorite. Everyone is encouraged to spread the link.

  5. That big boat that was tented probably was infested with roaches. Thise big yachts get provisions from food warehouses and the food is brought aboard in correlated boxes. It's not unusual for hitchhiking pests to stow away on board. Before you know it, there's an infestation. I worked in the Airline industry for many years. That was always a problem in South Florida and we frequently had to fumigate our fleet!
