Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Key West - We meet Ed Tillett, General Manager of Waterway Guide

Ed Tillett of Waterway Guide
The traffic on US 1 was horrendous, apparently due to the largest flea market in the Keys taking place north of here. As a result, Ed was about 1.5 hours late but he did find us in the end. As usual, the parking lot was jammed packed, no spaces available so I led him to the parking garage where we still had a ticket from when the kids were here that was still good. He had to go to the top floor of the parking garage to find a spot. I'm sure that during spring break even that option won't work.

As some of you know, I am now the Waterway Guide ICW Editor so Ed and I had a lot of stuff to go over. Nothing will change as far as my blog, my yearly guide, or posts on Active Captain are concerned, they both will continue unabated. I will be keeping the Alerts on Waterway Explorer up to date for the cruising community and also be adding some of the anchorages I use along my route to Key West.

Open air dining, a Schooner Wharf speciality
We were treated to fish sandwiches at Schooner Wharf where the Paul Cotton band was playing. We enjoy Schooner Wharf's fish sandwiches as well as anyone's, they were good. Ed has a long drive back to Marathon in the dark. He has a meeting there on Sunday. We're ready to turn in for now.

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