Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Key West - Secrets of Key West, Part I

Flowers along one of our walks
There are certain enjoyments in Key West that are not generally known, especially to tourists. One example are the variety of walks that include excursions through small streets between the major thoroughfares. They could be called alleys I guess but they are lovely and usually decorated with flowers and tropical plants. In a later post I'll detail our favorite paths and discuss what to see along the way.

A typical setting in Key West for a performer in a restaurant, repeated throughout Key West
Another example are certain musicians that not only play or sing well but also entertain the audience. There are hundreds of musicians in Key West but only a few that fit into the category I described above. Tonight we witnessed Fiona perform her magic at a nearby restaurant, Key West Bite. She was born in Ireland and now tours all over the US but has made Key West her home for the past several years. Whenever she plays we make it a point to seek her out. She has her own following that will fill any restaurant she plays in.

But Fiona is special, a real find
I'm sure that other people would have other lists of favorites but we are of a certain age and do not enjoy music so loud our insides vibrate. We like a melody and the ability to actually listen to the music without having to cover our ears.

Meanwhile, our second crew will be on their way Wednesday to arrive at Key West late, probably after 8:00 pm. Sarah and Natalie along with their parents will spend a week with us in the sun here, lots of fun!

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