Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Vero Beach - Three to a mooring

We were greeted with a nice sunrise through the light fog
Well today was the first day on the water. And it was… AMAZING. We got out of Titusville today so that was a relief. I got to drive the dink J. We also were on the water for 10 hours. We did school work in the morning and I relaxed in the afternoon. When we got to port I took Hoolie out to pee and grandpa got the paper. Tonight’s menu is Monterey chicken  (French accent) tomorrow we get up late YAY!       

Untying from land is a major undertaking when you've been attached for two months. You always seem to put out just a few more lines for that predicted storm and you wind up with over a dozen lines to shore. So the major problem this morning was ensuring all the line were undone so we didn't come to a sudden stop from a line we forgot (been there, done that). Even so, we were moving out when I remembered that one last line that needed to be hauled in, I barely made it before it before disaster struck. From a distance, everything looked routine but panic almost struck.

Out on the water, we found fog. I hadn't expected that. We are very much used to fog from our Maine days but not in Florida! However, the fog cleared and the sun came out, a very pleasant day heading south to warmer weather.

There were a lot of "three to a mooring" rafting at Vero Beach today
Upon our arrival at Vero Beach, we found everyone rafted and many that were three to a mooring. We spotted friends that were doubled up so we invited ourselves to be the third boat. We're only staying two days and our neighbors are staying longer so there's no problem departing off the mooring. I called for a diver to scrub the bottom since I noticed I was only making 6.6 kts when I expected 7.3 kts but after two months sitting in Titusville, the bottom collects stuff to slow down your boat. We will leave Saturday and overnight at our usual Hobe Sound anchorage for one night then it's onward to the south.

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