Cruising Tips

Friday, January 5, 2018

The poor ospreys, they lost their home but not their will to be nearby
Well today was a hard day. At 9:00am grandpa woke me from a good dream to tell me to take out the trash so I got my shoes on and took out the trash. Right when I got back in bed Nana told me to set the table. There was only one sentence in my head which was “This is going to be a looooooooooooooong day.” After breakfast we went right to boat work math flew by me but spelling was like a snail stuck in glue. But we did have an encounter with Derek, a nice man whose boat was tied up next to us. We did not take Hoolie to the dog park today. We had to get provisions today so we couldn’t take him.  Tonight’s menu is chicken rice and beans, again. The rocket launch was postponed til tomorrow night. At least tomorrow is Saturday.         
Here they are in happier times, this spring
My goodness, such work an 11 year old crew has to do! He's happily gaming now and doubtless will be watching TV later on, such chores of the day. Let's compare Finn's day to the couple of ospreys that lost their home during the last storm. I came back from walking Hoolie to discover the osprey couple perched forlornly on the powerline cross bars just below where their home used to be. Their round nest base provided by the electric company had passed on, probably due to the high winds from the latest ice storm, the one that came up the coast this week. The pair didn't look too happy. 

I would hope the electric crews would repair their home soon but who knows. If I was going to be around, I would consider starting a "Gofundme" account to ensure they get their home back. Oh well, we're leaving Tuesday for points south. There's no time to make connections for such a venture unless someone local steps up. 

The weather is still much too cool but it is supposed to warm up over the weekend in time for our planned Tuesday departure. I have the seacock now and installation will be Saturday, hopefully. Then it's on to other chores. Finn is doing great except that he's over worked (!?)

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Bob. I know you only because you are my gospel on Active Captain and I recently downloaded your ICW guide. I'm wondering if you might have a suggestion for anchoring near the space center so that I can dinghy to somewhere and visit, preferably by foot. If this is not possible, what's the best alternative? Thanks, Diane Oliver
