Cruising Tips

Monday, January 8, 2018

Our diver was cold!  57F water temperature.
Well today was mediocre. We started it off with some schoolwork. Math first then reading and finally spelling. Then I had lunch while I watched the diver install the zinc. It was pretty cool until dead jelly fish came up. After that we had to stop. A little while latter grandpa tells me to scrub the deck so I get the hose and bucket and got scrubbing. Then we went to the dog park. Hoolie got a new ball to play with and he was eager to try it. Tomorrow we get up at 6:30 and move to VERO BEACH.     
Don't know what caused the red glow - but could that be "Red sky at night, sailor's delight"?

On Monday we finally start to move again. The weather has warmed up to the 70's although there's a chance of a thunderstorm which is not likely so we'll go anyway. We replaced the zinc today on the prop and it was entirely gone. Later I found that my zinc that I dropped by the aft of the boat had disconnected from the shrouds, somehow. So the only protection I had was the zinc on the prop, not enough. So I now have a new zinc for the trip south. All through the procedure the diver complained by the cold water. I took out my IR thermometer and measured 57 for the water temperature. That is cold for divers! 

 We'll leave at 7:00 am to arrive in Vero sometime around 4:00, it will be a long day.


  1. Looks like your grandson is going to need some croakies to keep his glasses safe.

  2. Fred, the barn door will be shut tomorrow when we visit West Marine.
