Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Key West - A ride on the new Duval Loop bus

Fill that tank!
Today was a regular day. We woke up and made donut muffins. They tasted amazing. The news had comics so that was a plus. We also took a walk to see the art galleries on Duval Street. There were some interesting paintings too. My favorite is one of a chicken riding a bike. After Duval we went to get ice cream for tonight. On our way to Duval we took the Duval loop. It is a free bus that takes a loop around Duval. There was also a parade. It was to remember all the dead singers in Key West. That’s all I got for you today.   

Ann used a donut recipe for baked donuts coated with cinnamon and sugar, they were delicious. Later on we tried out the Duval Loop bus, new this year. The new service opens up the southern end of Duval Street for us in exploration. There are lots of art galleries Ann wants to see and plenty of good restaurants down that way. The service runs until 10:00 pm so it would be easy to eat out and have time to return to the boat. With a bus coming by every 15 minutes, it's very convenient. 

Our Duval Loop bus line
I put Finn to work on filling the water tank and help with walking Hoolie. We had to walk forever to find ice cream since the supermarket downtown lost their freezer and all the ice cream in it last week. Hopefully, they will restock this coming week. 

Being Key West, there was a parade on Duval Street to commentrate Key West musicians that have passed away
The winds are finally dying down and it's even under 10 kts now! Unfortunately, the light winds are only due to last one day with winds in the 20's again tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We even had a few of the charter boats go out this afternoon for their sunset cruise. On that note, there have been no sunsets yet since we've been here with nothing but heavy, gray clouds on the horizon. But we can't complain, it's been warm, above 70 everyday so far, I'll take it.

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