Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Key West - at our dock, E14

Gotta feed the kid, Cuban Coffee Queen Cuban Mix
Hello from Key West. Yes I did just say that. We are finally in Key West. Our landing was smooth and got to throw the bowline over the piling. The trip was pleasant and no one felt sick. We are getting sandwiches from the Cuban coffee queen. By the way I have a question that has been bothering me all day. Who wrote Funky Town? I don’t know why it is bothering me but it just is. We are next to Jeff and Charlie Brown. That’s all I got for you today.       

We did not like the looks of the anchorage at Marathon with a 30 kt plus wind in the forecast and after we took a dock at marina, there was no future there since the high winds were due to last for most of the week. So at 7:00 am this morning I called Key West Bight Marina to see if our dock was open and got the reply I was hoping for - it was! With that we shoved off around 7:30 am  but then encountered a dense fog. It was like a time warp, being in Maine again, complete with pots to avoid. 

Our slip for the last eight years, we're here
Being Florida, eventually the sun won out and we motored west dodging the pots. It was a much better ride than yesterday when we had seas on the broadside. Today the wind and waves were behind us and all was calm. Key West looks about the same as always. I can't tell any difference before or after Irma. at least around the marina area. We'll venture out farther over the next few days and see how things are. It's great to be settled into our slip with the coming high winds!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your arrival at your second home. I’ll see you in about 10 days or so.

